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Alberta Wind Report
Product Description
In the rapidly expanding wind energy sector, now representing just over 7 percent of Alberta's electric energy generating capacity, understanding the volatile nature of this intermitient resource is key to understanding wind economics and its impact on market pricing.
The wind energy reports include:
- Current monthly and 12-month rolling average wind energy production, capacity factor and outage data by unit
- Narrative on the underlying wind fundamentals
- Comparison of wind average received price vs. Pool Price in $/MWh & Discount/Premium
- Correlation coefficients between wind farms and regions
- Four quadrant discount analysis
- Pool Price high because wind is low (+,-)
- Pool Price high in spite of high wind (+,+)
- Pool Price low because wind is high (-,+)
- Pool Price low in spite of low wind (-,-)
- Other novel graphics and analysis
Who could benefit from these statistical reports?
- Generation Developers / Owners or Project Proponents
- Retailers or Large Industrial Loads
- Wholesale Marketers
- Importers / Exporters
- Power Pool Participants
- Anyone with a long-term vested interest in the Alberta electric industry
Value to the Client:
- Quick, convenient monthly update
- Quantifies the inherent bias in price wind receives
- Provides seasoned analysis of fundamentals causing the monthly fluctuations
- Data collected, maintained and validated by experts in the industry
- Most economical way to maintain key market data
- Provides key market data and information to assess your competitive position
Subscription terms:
Alberta Wind Report
- One-year subscription: 12 monthly issues delivered post month-end
Note: Reports are delivered electronically in PDF format