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Subscription Products

EDCA regularly issues several reports and newsletters that are provided on a multi-client subscription basis. These Subscription Products are issued either annually, quarterly, monthly or weekly depending on the periodic nature of the content.

For pricing and ordering information, please click here to view our bundle packages.

  • Product Category:Newsletters
  • Issuance Period:Weekly
  • Subscription Includes:52 Issues (per year)
  • Product Delivery : Digital Download

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Alberta kWh News

Product Description

Each week EDC issues a newsletter designed to track the historical hourly Alberta pool price, (average system marginal price or SMP) and electricity demand.

A summary of the past weeks supply and demand highlights is included in addition to a brief commentary on any near term events that may affect market prices. The two-page newsletter is offered on a subscription basis and is updated and emailed to recipients weekly (every Monday morning, except on long weekends).

The kWhNews letter is the most economic way to stay on top of the current trend in Alberta electricity power pool prices. KWhNews is concise, timely and is easy to read. If you are interested in the newsletter just fill out the order form (PDF) and fax it back to us. You will receive the next issue on the 1st Monday following receipt of your order.

This newsletter provides:

  • Daily pool prices, energy sales, peak demand, import and export sales by month
  • Current generation outages
  • Year-to-date price histograms
  • Ex-Alberta pricing and commentary
  • Graphical representation of past 7 day peak demand and pool prices
  • Two-page report is issued electronically by email every Monday morning (excluding statutory holidays)

Subscription terms:

  • Only annual subscription available—52 consecutive issues
  • Issued every Monday (except on statutory holidays)

Value to Client:

  • Gives you the information you need to make informed decisions and give you the competitive edge
  • Give you the ability to stay on top of many market issues and market trends
  • Timely access and supply of market revealing information
  • Issued every Monday (except on statutory holidays)

Who could benefit from our newsletters?

  • Generation Developers / Owners or Project Proponents
  • Retailers or Large Industrial Loads
  • Policy Makers & Government
  • Wholesale Marketers
  • Importers / Exporters
  • Anyone with a vested interest in the Alberta electric industry