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EDC Associates Ltd.

EDC Associates Ltd. (EDCA) is an independent energy-consulting firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that provides consulting services with respect to Energy Pricing, Generation Economic Development, Energy Procurement and Electric Industry Training.

About EDC Associates Ltd.

Incorporated in 1992, EDC Associates Ltd. (EDCA) is an independent energy-consulting firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada that provides consulting services with respect to electric Energy Pricing, Generation Economic Development, Energy Procurement & Management, Regulatory & Legal Consulting, Electric Industry Training and Electric Industry Data.

EDCA has been the premier supplier of independent electric energy pool price forecasts, generation energy production simulations and emissions forecasts in Alberta since the start of the electric energy industry restructuring in 1996.

As part of the energy pricing consulting services provided by EDCA, the company has been retained to prepare case by case client specific market analysis and forecasts for a wide range of electricity industry participants including marketers, retailers, generation developers, industrial customers, regulators and governmental departments and also publishes several multi-client studies, newsletters and reports on its own volition that are widely circulated to industry clients on a fee for service basis. These report and newsletter products are typically purchased on an annual basis under one of four Product Bundles.

As part of the generation economic development services provided by EDC, the company has been retained by its clients to provide independent and rigorous analysis with respect to generation feasibility and economic modeling used by those considering generation development, value optimization, acquisition or divestiture. EDCA incorporates Monte-Carlo analysis with respect to quantifying volume, price and other key risk components related particularly to asset valuation, energy production and risk/hedging analysis as part of any generation economic or options study.

As part of the energy procurement consulting services provided by EDCA, the company has been retained by electricity suppliers and consumers to facilitate energy procurement or sale processes. EDCA provides services regarding requests for quote and proposal development and implementation, purchase/sale recommendations, purchase/sale strategies, contract review and portfolio monitoring services, budget assistance and reporting. EDCA has made recommendations and negotiated vendor contract terms in respect of electricity and natural gas over-the-counter agreements up to 25 years in length.

As part of the commercial contract origination and structuring services provided by EDCA, the company has been instrumental in the development of many over-the-counter bilateral arrangements between generation developers and commercial/industrial corporate energy off-takers by providing power purchase agreement brokering, strategic guidance, project finance support and closing services.

As part of the regulatory and legal consulting services provided by EDCA, the company has on many occasions prepared and filed evidence in both legal and regulatory proceedings in Alberta and other provincial jurisdictions. EDCA staff has been prepared as an expert witness on many occasions on behalf of several clients and proceedings with several appearances in front of the AEUB. A more detailed resume on corporate regulatory experience can be provided upon request.

Mission Statement

"EDC Associates Ltd. strives to provide cost effective analysis that leads to workable and sustainable recommendations to help electric industry participants optimize their energy consumption, procurement and investment decisions."